Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Ancester Accused of Treason

Sometime in late August/early September, I am traveling to Korea with Sandra where I will teach for a year. The hardest part is leaving my Grandmother who is in her 80's. Most people don't have a very close relationship with their grandparents, but I really do. Mimi, Grandpa, Papa, and Nana have influenced me more than anyone aside from my parents. I visited her yesterday and she showed me a blueprint her father made in the 30's of our family tree leading to our first "American" relative, who fought in the revolutionary war for the British.

Nathaniel Wright was a Corporate in charge of a gun crew. He was accused of spiking a canon that would backfire and kill the crew. He was sentenced to be shot for treason, but escaped from prison and swam to a British Naval ship and was eventually discharged to New Brunswick and settled in Gagetown in 1783.

That made me want to write about my grandparents, starting with my grandfather Clyde Dehner. I will get to them soon.

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