Sunday, September 6, 2009

End of Seoul

Jess Adleman gave me an email address to her friend Seung-Hee who helped us out in such a big way the last day in Seoul. We told her that we wanted to meet in the downtown area of Seoul, but it was somewhat boring. She brought us to the Konkuk University are where she attended school. We ate some street food that was extremely spicy, but very tasty. Street vendors usually sell chicken kabobs or meatballs on a stick for 1,000 Won (90 Cents USD). As we were walking through the extremely crowded market area, we ran into some of her that she studied abroad with in California. They invited us to dinner and paid for our portion of the meal. When Sandra and I protested they answered "Welcome to Korea."

We walked through the campus afterwards and to the Han river where we sat and talked for awhile and listened to terrible noribong. She needed to get going, so we parted ways and went to Dongdaemun Market. This place is the dream for any shopper. We were greeted by a woman selling fake Gucci and Louis Vuitton purses outside the subway. I really needed a belt, so I bout one. I asked for a price and he said it was 38,000 won and I walked. "Hey Discount! Discount!" 35,000! Again I walked away... "Hey how much do you want to pay. I typed in 20,000 into his calculator and he upped it to 22,000. Since then we have bartered for most of our products.
It was sad to leave Seoul, but we had to be in Incheon to catch the bus to our orientation and training.

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